We have the team ready to create the change you need for today and tomorrow.

We collaborate with you to identify your specific needs and develop a specialized strategy that applies the best expertise to address your specific challenges.

Jennings Consulting Limited is a team of highly experienced consultants, business leaders, and professionals who believe and excel in creating value for our clients while collaboratively solving their business challenges

Our Team

Byren Innes
Managing Director and Executive Consultant
Azmin Pic May 8

Azmin Daya

Principal and Executive Consultant
Debbie Dimoff 3

Debbie Dimoff

Principal and Executive Consultant
Steve Fretwell

Steve Fretwell

Principal and Executive Consultant

Doug Paul

Principal and Executive Consultant
Raj Sandhu

Raj Sandhu

Senior Consultant and Behavioural Insights Lead
Banasha Shah 2

Banasha Shah

Senior Consultant and Actuarial Lead
Kenneth Stanton

Kenneth Stanton

Senior Consultant and Economics Lead

Mike Donati

Senior Consultant and Insurance Technology Lead

David Gray

Senior Consultant

Matthew Hallett

Senior Consultant
Tony Kalvik

Tony Kalvik

Senior Consultant
Sangeeta 2

Sangeeta Chopra-Charron

Ali Faruqui

Ali Faruqui

Toni Innes

Toni Innes

Mihaela Pop

Mihaela Pop

Carol Faries (2) (1)

Carol Faries


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