Behavioural Insights

Jennings helps businesses understand consumer motivation, decision making and behavior in order to design experiences, products and services that will drive desired business outcomes.

Through the use of Behavioural Science, the Jennings team uncovers behavioral barriers and drivers, to provide clients with evidence based solutions that target key behaviors necessary to achieving desired business outcomes. 

The Jennings team has helped leading clients in the financial sector optimize value for both their clients and end users to achieve increased client satisfaction and retention, decreased claims durations, higher sales close ratios, and increased sales revenue. 

Key Behaviours Identification

We consult with you and key stakeholders, to identify the target outcomes, and the key behaviors needed to achieve them

Through primary and secondary research, we uncover the unique set of cognitive barriers and drivers that are preventing you from reaching your target outcomes.

Behavioral Diagnostic

Behavioural  Design

We leverage behavioral science literature as well as industry reports to design evidence based solutions that will drive behavioral change to achieve the target outcomes.  Behavioural designs are shared with your team and key stakeholders for validation and refinement.

Where possible, we set up pilot experiments that allow us to test the impact of our behavioral solutions with clearly defined impact measures, to allow for further refinement prior to scaling solutions.  


Whether you are optimizing your digital experience, re-thinking your claims process or updating your communications plan, the Jennings team can equip you with evidence based solutions that are easy to implement and quick to achieve target outcomes.