Kenneth Stanton, MBA, PhD, Economist
Kenneth has more than 40 years of business, consulting, research and higher education experience. His formal education and analytical skills have benefited major banks, financial services regulators and federal, state and local governments and agencies in Canada and the USA. Direct beneficiaries include city mayors, several governors and a sitting US president.
Dr. Stanton has devoted a substantial part of his academic and consulting career to efficiency analysis and optimization. He was a significant part of a team that conducted a top to bottom analysis of one of Canada’s ‘big-5’ bank’s operations. He has co-authored reports and analyses of financial services regulatory practices in the major developed countries to guide the development of regulations set by Canada’s Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) governing risk standards and the optimal structure of bank holding companies.
Over his career, he has developed diverse areas of expertise from banking and alternative energy, to health care insurance.
- Trained several delegations of bank presidents, middle management bankers and high level central bankers from various countries in market risk management and performance management.
- Economic impact studies of various energy, government sector and other industrial sectors that in addition to determining the sectoral effects include measures of the direct, indirect, induced and total impact on output, jobs, employment earnings and tax consequences projected for planned or existing projects.
- Asset valuation and other expert testimony in civil and criminal court cases in the Maryland State Court system.
- Expert finance and economics testimony to state government committees and legislative bodies in several US states in relation to proposed health care, tax proposals and other bills.
- Trained and mentored Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) candidates in preparation for the qualifying examinations.
- Analyzed and advised the health-care system in the Dominican Republic in relation to capital investment decisions and staffing of rural health care clinics.
Kenneth has authored books and journal articles in the financial institutions, health care and economics fields and has a strong track record of producing high quality analyses and proven productivity enhancing recommendations.